PFM / Metal Crown & Bridge

Full Metal Crowns

PFM / Metal Crown & Bridge

Full metal crowns have the longest track record of any restorations in use today. Burbank Dental Lab uses CAD/CAM milling to deliver the most consistent full metal ( Nobel, High Noble, and NP) restorations available.

PFM – Porcelain Fused to Metal

PFM / Metal Crown & Bridge

Porcelain fused to metal restorations are the classic standard restorations for dentistry. Burbank Dental Lab has 40 years of excellence fabricating PFM restorations, from single units to full mouth rehabilitations.

Top 10 Most Clapped Articles

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of the future
is here!

Burbank Dental Lab has three new state-of-the-art Carbon M2 printers. We are very excited about the options that these cutting-edge printers will allow us to offer our dental clients. Here are some of the advantages that these printers will begin to deliver to you and your dental practice.

Our New
3d Printers

Carbon offers a highly dependable 3D manufacturing solution for many dental applications with its breakthrough Digital Light Synthesis™ technology, enabled by a wide range of dental materials.

of the future
is here!

Burbank Dental Lab has three new state-of-the-art Carbon M2 printers. We are very excited about the options that these cutting-edge printers will allow us to offer our dental clients. Here are some of the advantages that these printers will begin to deliver to you and your dental practice.

Our New
3d Printers

Carbon offers a highly dependable 3D manufacturing solution for many dental applications with its breakthrough Digital Light Synthesis™ technology, enabled by a wide range of dental materials.