ZIRMAX Zirconia Dental Restoration

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ZIRMAX M is the high strength monolithic zirconia restoration that exceeds your expectations for multi-purpose zirconia restorations. Data shows that ZIRMAX M has a flexural strength of 1300 MPa, making it one of the strongest monolithic zirconia restorations available. Due to the strength of ZIRMAX M, it is indicated for a wide selection of restorative applications, including posterior, single units, wide span bridges, and even full arch restorations. Not just strong, but esthetic as well, ZIRMAX M has up to 25% more translucency than other high strength full zirconias.


ZIRMAX ME if you are looking for the strength and durability of a monolithic zirconia but need to push the esthetic envelope as far as possible, ZIRMAX ME is your best solution. It is more than 47% more translucent than any other zirconia and formulated to eliminate graying on lighter shades. Over 1000 MPa of flexural strength and suitable for up to 4 unit anterior bridges and 3 unit posterior bridges (extending to 1st molars), and esthetics that rival pressed ceramics with more than double the strength.

Full zirconia restoration fabricated by Burbank Dental LabZIRMAX Key Features

  • Strong 1300 MPa (High strength 1300 MPa ZIRMAX can be used for cases that require maximum flexural strength)
  • 25% more translucent than most high strength zirconia restorations.
  • ZIRMAX ME is more than 47% more translucent than any other zirconia.
  • 10 Year Warranty
  • 100 % Biocompatibility

Indications for Use

  • ZIRMAX M is ideal for posterior full crowns and bridges and can also be used as substructure for layered anterior single crowns and bridge restorations.
  • ZIRMAX ME is a good choice for anterior monolithic single crowns and bridges up to 4 units, bridges may extend to the second premolar.


ZIRMAX should be layered not monolithic in the anterior smile zone. ZIRMAX ME is a good solution for anterior monolithic restorations.

Clinical Handling


  • It is not necessary to use a shoulder preparation, and feather edge preparations are acceptable. The ideal minimum margin preparation is .3 mm chamfer, but all margin preparations may be used, including a full shoulder.1 mm axial wall reduction
  • 1 mm axial wall reduction1 mm cingulum / occlusal reduction required.
  • 1 mm cingulum / occlusal reduction required
  • Note: As with any all-ceramic, no sharp or right angles.

Cementation Protocol

  • ZIRMAX can be placed with conventional cements, making it fit into whatever procedures work best for you in your clinical judgement.
  • ZIRMAX can be placed using adhesive systems with dual cure resins (RelyX Unicem, 3M ESPE; Panavia SA Plus, Kuraray. We recommend Z-PRIME from BISCO to prepare the inside of the crown for adhesive dentistry), or cemented using low expansion cements, like resin-modified glass ionomers, (RelyX Luting Cement, 3M ESPE; GCFuji Plus, GC America)

Adjusting & Polishing

  • When adjustments are necessary for fit, adjust prepped tooth. When occlusal adjustments are required on the monolithic zirconia material, use a diamond with water for ceramic adjustments of veneer porcelain.
  • When occlusal adjustments are required on the monolithic zirconia material, use a diamond with water for ceramic adjustments of veneer porcelain.
  • Avoid carbide use.
  • It is important to use ceramic polishing system to create a highly polished surface.

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Carbon M3 Printer - Burbank Dental Lab - CA

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