Occlusal GuardsBiteSoft® splints prevent teeth from grinding and clenching during the night. This innovative, successful solution to bruxism offers patients the opportunity to sleep peacefully throughout the night, without damage to their teeth or restorations.
Esthetic All-CeramicComposite restorations provide a viable, option for conservative “biomimetic” metal-free restorations. Burbank Dental Lab technicians are trained to provide ideal marginal fit, full polymerization and lifelike esthetics.
Denture Over Implant Bars
Implant RestorationsBurbank Dental Lab's Smart1 Implant Bars & overdentures are designed using our decades of experience and fabricated with the world's most advanced technology, resulting in ease of delivery, and the most durable, comfortable denture available.
Dentures & PartialsBurbank has provided reliable, esthetic dentures for over 40 years. We provide two choices for your full denture cases: Packed heat-cured Lucitone® 199, and Burbank Dental Lab premium denture using Ivoclar SR-IvoBase Injection System.
Diagnostic Wax-Ups
Esthetic All-CeramicBurbank Dental Lab's Smiles By Design diagnostic wax-ups are the blueprint to your final restorations. Your Smiles By Design team custom designs each case to meet your specifications, and always has the goal to create a functionally sound and esthetically pleasing design.
ProvisionalsDuraTemps are laboratory fabricated provisional restorations that are much more durable and esthetic than traditional chair-side fabricated provisionals, even rivaling the finished restorations.
ProvisionalsDURATEMP PMMA, a lab fabricated provisional restorations that are milled from PMMA (Polymethylmetacrylate). Our PMMA provisionals are CAD/CAM generated and can be created from either conventional impression or a digital IOS workflow. These provisionals are recommended for long term provisional needs such as implant or surgical cases.
EMA – Elastic Mandibular Advancement
Sleep ApneaEMA for sleep apnea has a patented design which uses interchangeable elastic straps attached to pressure-formed custom upper and lower trays, which allow the gradual advancement of the mandible until treatment is successful.
Full Metal Crowns
PFM / Metal Crown & BridgeFull metal crowns have the longest track record of any restorations in use today. Burbank Dental Lab uses CAD/CAM milling to deliver the most consistent full metal ( Nobel, High Noble, and NP) restorations available.
Guided Surgery Appliances
Implant RestorationsBurbank Dental Lab can fabricate “guided surgery appliances” from your CBCT based scans, using state of the art digital printers and titanium guide cylinders that correspond to your surgical system.
Hybrid Restorations at Burbank Dental Lab
Implant RestorationsBurbank Dental Lab offers 3 different categories of implant hybrid restorations (screw retained full arch “denture” prosthesis): Traditional Acrylic with titanium substructure, SmartComposite Hybrid Prosthesis, and ZIRMAX M® Hybrid (Monolithic zirconia screw retained full arch prosthesis).
Imetric 4D Scanning Service
Imetric Digital Scan In-Office Service Burbank Dental Lab, at its core, has focused on being an indispensable partner to our clients. In keeping with our core values, we are heavily